Friday, 30 June 2017

Finished ships

I kinda slipped up posting the progress pics, so here's the finished(-ish) reveal!

I picked up the idea of using paintbrush bristles for rigging from a thread on TMP, and boy does it make life a million times easier.

You'll notice a lack of gunports, and that's because I'm just not a good enough painter for that, and I opted not to model them on, this batch. So as in painting miniature people and forgoing eyes by saying "they all blinked when I took the picture", in this case, the ports were never supposed to be different colours, to hide their number from the Frogs!

Also notable is a lack of "deck furniture", or detail on the decks at all. Again, I'm not that good to have it look like anything other than lumps, and since I (foolishly) build at 1/600, there's nothing much to buy. As much as I like building everything myself, cannon and deck detail would be something I'd happily buy.

The nameplates aren't actually affixed yet because I'm not happy with them. The text would be a lot more legible in yellow, I suspect. They're actually made out of cut pieces of faux wood blinds. Handy little shortcut.

Overall, I'm very happy with this batch. I learned a lot, my painting skills improved, I kept notes on what worked and what didn't, and most of all, I had fun!