Friday 10 February 2017

Different kind of ship

Whooooooa long time no post. Some work has been done on the proper ships but until I have photos and write-ups collected, let's do a Star Wars post! Woo!

I've been doing lots of squadron-building, and not enough painting.

Blue Squadron (née Indigo) has grown considerably after some reinforcements from command.

Even more impressive, this little Rebel cell has been blessed with some of the latest and greatest starfighters in the Alliance, and now boasts B-wing in the form of Green Squadron.

Which is good, because unfortunately for the Rebels, they've started to attract some attention.

And the 726th Wing is ready to do battle with the pesky Rebel scum. Well, the 726th Wing and some reinforcements...

Still lots of painting to go. I made a brief foray into trying to "paint" with Sharpies, but the results are too glossy and rub off too easily, so back to paint it is. More TIEs would be nice, as ever. Instead of proper TIE and Interceptor squadrons, I just kind of have a swarm, at the moment. For the Rebels I'm still not convinced about the breakdown. I could do an all-X-wing interceptor/space superiority squadron, and make a Y/B dedicated bomber squadron, or leave them mixed as it is, each bomber element with attached escorts.

The biggest problem I'm running into is all the extras. I have more gold shuttles, Falcons, and TIE Advanceds than you can shake a stick at. :P So I've been making some Uglies, but that can be another post. For the moment, I hacked up an extra B-wing (on the assumption that I'll never find 6 more to make a full, 12-strong squadron of just B-wings; and also I've never really liked them that much) and a T-70 (because I hate T-70s) to make something that more or less looks like a Clone Z-95. The regular Z-95 looks like crap, but the Clone version is cool. Sadly I doubt we'll ever see a real model of it.

Till next time!

(When I should post the REAL ships... but... shhh....)

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