Thursday, 3 March 2016

Rough Timeline

When you start rewriting history for a whole country, you realise how much work really went in to Dark Future, to make it clever and "counter" feeling. I'm not super concerned with my Dark Future Canada feeling quite as authentic, because frankly there's one person working on this and I'm not getting paid for it. I just need enough space to play in, and I'm slowly building that. Still, I've been focussing on the little parts that left Canada, and I thought I should work on some of Canada as a whole.

I've worked out a rough timeline of things. A little bit more history/pop culture research and I could probably make this feel a lot more like Dark Future, but, again, for now I've got a sandbox to play and build in. Suggestions and participation are always welcome, though.

-Trudeau PM till 1979
  -this was Canada's economic ascendancy, and Trudeau's morally bankrupt behaviour
-Alex Eaglesham's Libertarians win a majority in 1979
-Prime Minister Eaglesham delcares independence from Great Britain in 1984, and drafts a new constitution, solidifying the many changes his government has made since 1979
-Alberta seperates
-Quebec seperates
-Upper Canada seperates
-1984 election, Elmer Knutson becomes the first elected President of Canada, on a promise of re-integrating the country, but in a way that would allow the independent nations to essentially remain as such. Calls this idea the "Confederation of Regions"
-the Reform Party was formed in 1987, seeking to return Canada to a single nation, regardless of independent interests, and is viewed as strong because of this
-Knutson's Confederation government wins a second term in 1988, but only a minority
-the Enderby Amendment is mirrored in 1988 by the Adams Act, privatizing law enforcement in an effort to make Knutson's government appear stronger
-Bryan Adams, then defence minister and namesake of the Act, became Canada's star sanc-op, and became hugely popular
-in 1993, the Reform Part is elected after people have become tired of the Confederation's weakness in dealing with the separatist states, especially the Meech Lake Accord, a trade and defence deal negotiated between Canada, Upper Canada, Quebec, Alberta, and the Northern Territories by the Knutson government which vastly favoured all parties but Canada itself
-Preston Manning becomes President of Canada
-Manning is still President in 1995, but his government is hard-pressed by its people to do something about the separatist states soon

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