Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Space Fight (large image warning)

Work has slowed on the Dark North front, so I thought I'd share a couple other hobby projects of mine.

I don't FFG's X-Wing, though maybe one day I will, but I do love the ships from Star Wars. So, rather than spending $15 a ship, I've been painting the new Hasbro Micro Machines. They're almost the exact same scale - the X-wings are exact, everything else bar the B-wing is close - and they don't lack for detail. They just need a little paintwork to bring it out.

I'm working on two Rebel squadrons, and ideally an Imperial squadron as well, but they're a little harder to come by, for now. Hopefully the line continues for at least a year or two.

First up for today is my current WIP, the first two ships of Green Squadron.

 These come pre-painted as part of Red Squadron from A New Hope. With my first squadron, I just painted over, but that limits what you can do. But since these models are also incredibly soft, weak plastic (some kind of vinyl, I believe?),  I didn't want to try any of the usual soaks to get the paint off. I'm not sure what will happen . Which meant that for Green Squadron here, I just gently took some 150 sandpaper to it. Probably too rough, but it worked. Unfortunately there's some teensy detail on the upper surface of the wings I didn't notice at first and destroyed a bit.

Paint was just good ol', 15 year old Citadel Goblin Green. I know people hate Citadel, but most of my paints dried out completely and are now perfectly useable after a few days of sitting with a bit of water in them, and they're not even from the "golden age" of Citadel.

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